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GET THE BESTSELLER: "Dissidentes" - the inside story of U.S.-funded and directed agents in the words of some of the best-known "Dissidents"... men and women who publicly revealed their true identities and exposed Washington's manufactured "civil society"!

"Dissidents" & "Repression"

Find a mention of Cuba in the North American press today and it will probably fall into two categories: One is a description of the island as a tourist haven, a place of natural beauty, vibrant culture and hot Salsa. The other is the never-ending diatribe by its critics, those who see nothing more than the stereotyped image of a tropical communist state, viewed as an evil, repressive society.

That image isn't helped when U.S. President George Bush, leader of the most powerful nation on earth and Cuba's close neighbour to the north, places Cuba within the ridiculously termed "axis of evil." It is an image twisted and perverted by a "conventional wisdom" that has for over 40 years depicted this caribbean island state as a tropical gulag. The reality, however, is far removed from what most people outside of Cuba think.

Take, for example, the parade of "dissidents" who are frequently given international attention, usually whenever a supposed period of increased "repression" occurs at the hands of the Cuban state. Everything, though, is a matter of perspective.

"Dissidents" are portrayed as persons of conscience, persecuted by a tyrannical government. Their inherent goodness goes unquestioned: As opponents of the Cuban government (which everyone just knows is evil) they are heralded as the expression of a long-suffering people who deserve recognition and support to pursue their goals of "freedom and democracy."

We see the situation from a different perspective, one which has been formed from an awareness of the true nature of these "dissidents" and the foundation of their movement. Can one be a true "dissident" if that person is collaborating with a foreign power? If that person receives funding and other material support from a government that is not his/her own, is their cause authentic?

The actions of the Head of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, Mr. James Cason, which include publicly speaking of the need to overthrow the Cuban government and participating in the formation of a new "political party" are plain to see.

The most comprehensive and clear analysis of the provocations of the U.S. representatives is provided in this press conference by Cuban Foreign Minister, Felipe Pérez Roque. [document also available for download as a PDF].

For an excellent analysis of Cuba's perspective on "dissidents" and the continuing campaign by the U.S. to undermine Cuba's legitimate government (in contravention of several international treaties and legal covenants), see President Fidel Castro's May Day address.

The international movement of friendship and solidarity continues to grow. Your participation is needed to counter attempts by the United States to forcibly bring about the end of the Cuban Revolution. Explore our website for a friendship group near you.




James Petras: "Responsibility of the Intellectuals"

Cuban Ambassador De Cossío counters media bias

CNC Co-chair Marvin Glass & CNC exec member Lisa Makarchuk on biased reporting

NSCUBA Statement

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